In the spring of 2017 LIBRe Foundation started a new initiative for raising awareness among young people in Bulgaria on privacy and data protection issues.
“How “Personal” is the Personal Information Online” looks into issues related to the meaning of personal information shared online by young people, who has access to it and whether the youngsters publish information they would prefer to keep private.
Through trainings, discussions, and specialised materials, the initiative is focused on the protection of personal data online and what types of good practices are to be followed by young people in their everyday life, considering the technological development and the new opportunities for resource sharing, communication, and the Internet of Things.
The project is being implemented as a continuation of LIBRe experts’ considerable experience in consultations and teaching in the field of online privacy, personal data protection, and consumer protection; it addresses different age groups through educational and communication activities adapted to the audience.
Presentations and informative sessions with students in secondary schools
During these educational meetings students discuss on different aspects of the private and public realms, how technologies affect the perceptions of young people and adults and how to adapt their online behaviour towards better protection of one’s personal data and reputation. The meetings include short presentations, discussions, and practical exercises focused on data protection online and good practices to be followed by youngsters in their everyday life.
University Teaching
Alexandra Tsvetkova, Director of LIBRe Foundation, introduces university students specialising in IT programmes with the legal aspects of the information and communication technologies, where special attention is paid to e-Commerce, privacy, consumer protection, etc. In order to fully reflect the complexity of the topics discussed and to suite the diverse interests in the audience, the practices and discussions are adapted to the different points of view of the company and the consumer and explore good commercial practices, consumer needs, etc.
Development of training programmes and digital materials adapted for the young audience
LIBRe Foundation studies current good practices on European level in working with young people on the topics of privacy and data protection, and develops educational materials, supported with relevant examples and adapted to the corresponding age group: 7-12, 12-15, 15-18, and 18-25 years old.
International cooperation
The team of LIBRe Foundation works alongside European partners in the development of complex Privacy awareness programmes for wider inclusion of privacy education in the school curricula. Thus we aim to contribute towards strengthening the capacity of the European educational systems in responding to the dynamic challenges in today’s digital society.