Преминете към основното съдържание

Applied Research

Digital Society

The notion of digital society reflects the results of the modern society in adopting and integrating information and communication technologies at home, work, education...

Digital Rights

The increased use of information and communication technologies has posed many challenges to our human rights. These challenges vary from concerns over privacy and...

Privacy and Data Protection

The protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data is a fundamental right recognized by the EU Charter of Fundamental...

Information Management

Information, as we know it today, includes both electronic and physical information. Each organizational structure must be capable of managing this information throughout the...

Copyright Online

Copyright and related rights provide an incentive for the creation of and investment in new works and other protected matter (music, films, print media,...


e-Government and innovation can provide significant opportunities to transform public administration into an instrument of sustainable development. e-Government is “the use of ICT and...


e-Justice is a specific field under the more general umbrella of e-Government. In particular, it refers to the use of information and communication technologies...


The next big phase of technological development is the „connected world“ or the so called Internet of Things. The term refers to the increased...

Intelligent Transport Systems

The term “intelligent transport” summarizes the achieved results from the integration of information and communication technologies in the transport infrastructure, the city planning, the...