Analyses and Reports
Providing Researchers with the Skills and Competencies they Need to Practice Open Science
13.09.2017 / Analyses and Reports
Digital Preservation Handbook, 2nd Edition (Digital Preservation Coalition © 2015)
13.09.2017 / Analyses and Reports
Annual Country Reports on Open Internet from National Regulators - 2017
11.09.2017 / Analyses and Reports
11.09.2017 / Analyses and Reports
Reform of the e-Privacy Directive (Briefing)
01.09.2017 / Analyses and Reports
An assessment of the Commission’s Proposal on Privacy and Electronic Communications
07.06.2017 / Analyses and Reports
Privacy, Free Expression and Transparency: UNESCO Series on Internet Freedom
07.12.2016 / Analyses and Reports
Human Rights and Encryption: UNESCO Series on Internet Freedom
07.12.2016 / Analyses and Reports
07.12.2016 / Analyses and Reports
Empowering the Edge Practical Insights on a Decentralized Internet of Things
13.09.2016 / Analyses and Reports
Decentralized Blockchain Technology and the Rise of Lex Cryptographia
13.09.2016 / Analyses and Reports
Hawk: The Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts
13.09.2016 / Analyses and Reports
Applying Blockchain Technology in Global Data Infrastructure (ODI Report)
13.09.2016 / Analyses and Reports
Guide for Citizens to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
11.08.2016 / Analyses and Reports
29.07.2016 / Analyses and Reports
Eropean Data Protection Supervisor Annual Report 2015
29.07.2016 / Analyses and Reports
10.05.2016 / Analyses and Reports
Handbook on European Law Relating to Access to Justice
01.01.2016 / Analyses and Reports
Building Digital Safety for Journalism: UNESCO Series on Internet Freedom
07.12.2015 / Analyses and Reports
Principles for Governing the Internet: UNESCO Series on Internet Freedom
07.12.2015 / Analyses and Reports
13.09.2015 / Analyses and Reports
Fostering Freedom Online: the Role of Internet Intermediaries (UNESCO Series on Internet Freedom)
07.12.2014 / Analyses and Reports
13.09.2014 / Analyses and Reports
Regulatory Impact Assessment Guide (in Bulgarian only)
25.07.2014 / Analyses and Reports