We specialize in developing training content and lecturing in trainings - for public organizations, judiciary authorities and private organizations, in the field of IT law or related legal fields in the context of specific markets, highly driven by innovation, technological advancement and the flow of data.
Alexandra Tsvetkova, Director of LIBRe Foundation, has experience as a lecturer on Legal Aspects of IT at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (2009-2017), and University of Library Science and Information Technologies, Sofia (2013-2017). In 2018, together with Ivo Emanuilov, Senior Expert, Ms Tsvetkova developed and started teaching on 'Responsible AI: Ethical, Legal, Social and Economic (ELSE) Aspects' (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics) - the first and only Bulgarian academic course pondering the legal and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence systems.
The initiatives of LIBRe Foundation also include the elaboration of new training methodologies, social innovation, ICT-based learning platforms, knowledge transfer and exchange of good practices in various legal and technological fields, including increasing the knowledge and skills of young people and junior professionals, promoting active citizenship and social cohesion; as well as development of the strategic inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary partnership at national and supranational level.
Personal Data Protection Training
LIBRe Foundation team organizes in-house/sector-oriented trainings on personal data protection with a focus on the basic principles of lawful processing, the organization's obligations as a data controller/data processor of personal data, the framework for compliance with Regulation 2016/679, and introducing the necessary technological and organizational measures to achieve this compliance.
The aim of a training is to
(a) help the participants to understand the different categories of personal data processed by their organizations, and how internal data flows and interconnections between their organizations and third parties affect the rights of their customers, clients and partners;
(b) explain what organizational, legal and technical measures the organization has to undertake towards protecting the personal data they process by the organization and how this affects the work of their employees and the communication with counterparties; and
(c) provide detailed information on how to achieve compliance with GDPR.