Drafting Project Proposals in the Fields of Justice and Cybersecurity


Period:  09/2018 - 10/2018
Status:  Finished
Contacts:  Alexandra Tsvetkova

LIBRe Foundation supports a non-profit legal entity for public benefit in the preparation of two project proposals in the fields of justice and cybersecurity under BG05SFOP001-3.003 'Civilian Control over the Judicial Reform' and BG05SFOP001-2.009 'Enhancing Civil Participation in the Processes of Formulating, Implementing and Monitoring of Policies and Legislation' Procedures under Operational Program 'Good Governance' 2014-2020.

For each proposal, the Foundation team participates in the development of the project idea, the planning of the project activities, the drafting of the application form, incl. financial plan, schedule and detailed implementation plan, public procurement planning, etc. and the preparation of the supporting administrative documents, up until the final stage of submission of the project proposal.