CARISMAND Final Project Partners Meeting, Florence

Period:  20-21.09.2018
Organiser:  Фондация „ЛИБРе“ (от името на Консорциум CARISMAND)

On September 20-21, 2018, the CARISMAND project partners gathered in Florence, Italy, for the last operational meeting of the Consortium.

The meeting aimed at implementing the very final steps towards achieving the project results promised, discussing any issues that have arised during the course of the summer, and preparing the team for the closure of the project. Key result of the meeting was the adoption of the CARISMAND Toolkit sustainability plan, as SMURD Foundation, one of the partners representing the disaster management community in the project, will take over the Toolkit after the official end in September 2018.

35 representatives of partner organizations in CARISMAND took part in the meeting.