EU Code Week is a grass-roots movement that celebrates creating with code.
The idea is to make programming more visible, to show young, adults and elderly how you bring ideas to life with code, to demystify these skills and bring motivated people together to learn. The initiative was launched in 2013 by the Young Advisors for the Digital Agenda Europe.
EU Code Week is run by volunteers. One, or several, Code Week Ambassadors coordinate the initiative in their countries, but everyone can organise their own code event and add it to the Code Week map.
In 2017 EU Code Week will take place between 7 and 22 October
Find out what events are planned to take place in Bulgaria during the Code Week!
As part of its strategy for a Digital Single Market, the European Commission supports EU Code Week and other independent initiatives which aim to boost digital skills, including programming, for different target groups. In June 2016 the Commission adopted the New Skills Agenda Europe, which addresses digital skills across 10 concrete actions. One of the actions is the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, which brings together regional and national authorities, businesses, non-profit organisations, education providers and social partners who commit to take action to increase digital skills in Europe.
Since January 2017 LIBRe Foundation is a Member of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition.