CARISMAND (Culture And RISk management in Man-made And Natural Disasters) is a three-year project investigating the effect of cultural factors on the level of preparedness, disaster response, and recovery.
The cultural background of a society could seriously damage the risk management and the emergency efforts if this background is not studied and taken into consideration. Religion, traditions, cultural leaders, and media are only some elements of the varied effect which CARISMAND is studying.
The project aim is to provide disaster practitioners working with the population practical guidelines in accordance with the local cultural specifics.
The project results will be achieved through in-depth analysis and a line of discussions between experts in the field and citizens in different parts of Europe.
The project receives funding from the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme. It is coordinated by the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Groningen will host the project kick-off meeting which is to take place in the beginning of October this year.
LIBRe Team is undertaking the dissemination and communication activities as well as the organisation of the public events within the project. In addition, we are to support the project’s analysis in the areas of technology, legal and social aspects, and communication.
Keep an eye for the release of CARISMAND’s website expected in the beginning of 2016!