Seminar on the Challenges and Opportunities for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles

Period:  19.12.2017
Organiser:  Българска асоциация за информационни технологии (БАИТ), съвместно с Фондация „ЛИБРе“
Lecturers:  д-р Мария Нишева, Камен Василев, Иво Емануилов

BAIT, in partnership with the LIBRe Foundation, held a seminar on the challenges and opportunities for autonomous and connected vehicles specifically for members of the association.

The seminar focused on 3 main themes:

The Current Development of Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Intelligent Systems - Dr. Maria Nisheva, Professor of Informatics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Sofia, Head of the Department of Computer Informatics and the Master's Program 'Artificial Intelligence';

Realities, Achievements and Trends in Auto Transport - Kamen Vasilev, Co-Chair of the Bulgarian Association of Electric Vehicles (BAEPS);

Legal and ethical issues related to autonomous and connected vehicles. The uncertainty of adaptive software against the liability of manufacturers of such systems. Protection of personal and industrial data in the process of implementation - Ivo Emanuilov, lawyer, consultant and research associate at the University of Leuven and LIBRe Foundation expert.