The Trans-European Networks - Energy (TEN-E) Regulation is an EU law which aims to assist national governments and companies to better interconnect electricity and gas infrastructure across national borders. This public consultation is part of a wider evaluation to assess the impact of the TEN-E regulation on Europe's energy networks and the progress of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs), including a consideration of how the regulation might evolve in the future. The evaluation as a whole will also fulfil a requirement of the TEN-E Regulation for a report on the implementation of PCIs to be completed by 2017. This report needs to include an evaluation of:
- The progress of PCIs;
- The evolution of the interconnection between Member States;
- The effectiveness of the permit granting provisions of the Regulation;
- The regulatory treatment that PCIs receive, and
- The overall effectiveness of the Regulation for market integration and contributing to climate and energy targets.
The consultation is open for all citizens and organisations. It may be particularly relevant to citizens and groups with an interest in the effect of the cost of energy transmission projects on energy prices, and in the impact of these projects on the environment.
Find more details and information on how to participate in the consultation here.