International Conference “Trust, Privacy and Security of Personal Data in the Digital World”

The conference took place on 18th and 19th November 2016 in Sofia and was organised by the Commission for Personal Data Protection (CPDP) and the Bulgarian Association for People Management.

The event gathered EU institutions representatives, officials from national data protection authorities from South-eastern Europe and from other EU member states, representatives of Bulgarian institutions, non-government sector, universities and research centres, business companies. Honourable guests at the conference were Mr. Giovanni Buttarelli, European Data Protection Supervisor, and Ms. Maya Manolova, Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The aim of the conference was to introduce participants to the latest developments related to legislative reform and the best global practices, allowing the basic principles for the protection of personal data to be transformed into real, working mechanisms.

The first day of the conference was focused on legislative matters and strategic visions on privacy and data protection in the digital era. The second day of the conference was devoted mainly to the practices for ensuring security and building trust. The principles of data protection in the digital world were discussed with focus on the principle of accountability.

The international conference on “Trust, Privacy and Security of Personal Data in the Digital World” was organised by the Commission for Personal Data Protection (CPDP) and the Bulgarian Association for People Management. The Commission for Personal Data Protection is an independent public authority which undertakes the protection of individuals in processing their personal data and in providing access to these data, as well as control on compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

Get to know more about CPDP’s activities and current issues in the field of personal data protection through the commission’s website: