LIBRe Foundation’s Framework Initiative for e-Justice Development in Bulgaria aims to support the Justice Sector by providing opinions, statements, advice and training on e-Justice and technology-related legal issues. The program supports the process of introducing magistrates, court officials and IT experts from the judiciary authorities to strategic documents and the new legislative framework in the area of e-Justice in Bulgaria, including but not limited to: from key concepts and basic provisions to the specificities of the work of the courts; the procedures and tools for carrying out procedural acts and authentication statements in electronic form; the organizational procedures for keeping and access to electronic cases and electronic evidence as well as the organizational procedures for internal document exchange and storing of other information by the judicial administration; keeping, storing, and access to the register of judicial decisions; and the use of electronic signature and electronic identification by the judicial authorities. The initiative also covers work on ongoing projects and initiatives for the development of e-Justice at national level and their relationship to the overall registration reform in Bulgaria as well as to those initiated and guided on a pan-European level.
Within the framework of this program, LIBRe Foundation’s experts are involved in projects and initiatives and actively support the development of the sector with their knowledge and experience.
LIBRe Foundation’s team provides for case law review, interpretation of the legal framework and consultations in the legal and technology fields for journalists and non-specialists working in related areas on e-Justice matters and the technological, organizational and legal measures to be taken towards its implementation in Bulgaria (08/2018 - Present).
Alexandra Tsvetkova, Director of LIBRe Foundation, drafted an opinion to the Committee on Legal and Institutional Issues and the Committee on Professional Qualifications and Information Technologies at the Bulgarian Supreme Judicial Council on the requirements of the e-Justice regulatory framework and the obligations of the Supreme Judicial Council in this regard; thus indicating the need of further organizational and legal measures following and complementing the secondary legislation drafted in 2017. (12/2017)
Alexandra Tsvetkova, Director of the LIBRe Foundation, participated in the preparation of the opinion of the Supreme Judicial Council on a Draft Law amending and supplementing the Administrative Procedure Code, signature 754-01-16, date of entry 01.06.2017, in the part related to Art. 18a on electronic communications. (07/2017)
Alexandra Tsvetkova, Director of LIBRe Foundation, participated as a member of the Working Groups to the Supreme Judicial Council developing the regulatory framework of e-Justice in Bulgaria: Ordinance No. 4 of 16 March 2017 on on the Keeping, Storing, and Access to the Register of Judicial Decisions; Rules of Procedure for Use of eSignature and eIdentification by the Judicial Authorities (promulgated SG 32 from 21.04.2017); Ordinance No. 5 of 1 June 2017 on the Organizational Procedures for Keeping and Access to Electronic Cases and Electronic Evidence as well as the Organizational Procedures for Internal Document Exchange and Storing of Other Information by the Judicial Administration; and Ordinance No 6 of 3 August 2017 on the Procedure for Carrying out Procedural Acts and Authentication Statements in Electronic Form. (10/2016 - 08/2017)
In the 08/2016 - 12/2017 period, Alexandra Tsvetkova, Director of LIBRe Foundation, was the Project Coordinator of the "Development of a Model for Optimization of the Judicial Map of Bulgarian Courts and Prosecutor’s Offices and of a Unified Information System for Courts" Project implemented by the Supreme Judicial Council. The project aims, among other activities, to develop a Unified Information System for Courts and to implement it in all regional, district and appellate courts, and to design and develop a Specialized Information System for Analysis and Monitoring of the Factors Related to Socioeconomic Development of the Judicial Map and the Workload of Courts and Prosecutors' offices.
In the 02/2016 - 08/2016 period, Alexandra Tsvetkova, Director of LIBRe Foundation, developed the "Development of a Model for Optimization of the Judicial Map of Bulgarian Courts and Prosecutor’s Offices and of a Unified Information System for Courts" project proposal for the Bulgarian Supreme Judicial Council. The proposal was submitted under Call for Proposals BG05SFOP001-3.001 "Strategic Projects in the Implementation of the Updated Strategy for Continuing Judicial Reform and the Strategy for the Introduction of eGovernance and eJustice in the Justice Sector 2014-2020", Priority Axis 3 "Transparent and Effective Judicial System" of Operational Program "Good Governance" 2014-2020. During the preparation of the project proposal up to the signing of Grant Agreement No. BG05SFOP001-3.001-0001-C01/26.08.2016, Ms. Tsvetkova: a) managed the development of the project idea and the preparation of the application form, the development and planning of the project activities, incl. financial plan, schedule and detailed implementation plan, public procurement planning, etc. (02/2016 - 05/2016); b) participated in meetings and prepared statements in the process of internal coordination of the project proposal as well as with regards to its integration within the Roadmap for the implementation of the Updated Strategy for Continuing Judicial Reform (02/2016 - 05/2016); and c) participated in the negotiation process with the Managing Authority of Operational Program "Good Governance" 2014-2020 towards the signing of the grant agreement (04/2016 - 08/2016).
LIBRe Foundation’s team actively communicates and discusses with magistrates, court officials and IT experts from the judiciary authorities issues related to the implementation of e-Justice in Bulgaria and the necessary technological, organizational and legal measures to be taken towards its implementation (02/2016 - Present).
More information on the consultancy and training services provided in the field of e-Justice can be found here.